Guiding leaders with a state-of the art methodology

One of Grow’s key strengths is privileged access to state-of-the-art thought leadership in leadership development. Both academics at leading business schools and experienced leadership consultants have contributed with their expertise to develop Grow’s unique solution.

The Grow 7A Methodology

Building on our research conducted with teams that apply best-in-class and agile team development approaches, we have identified the key success factors and developed the Grow 7A Methodology. It is meant to guide leaders and their teams pursuing development journeys that build on their individual and collective strengths. Embedding leadership development in the daily work and emphasizing follow-through for sustainable change are key principles that are at the core of this step-by-step methodology. For more information please see below or read the following article published on INSEAD Knowledge: A Seven-Step Choreography for Thriving Teams.

Team level Individual level

Define an inspirational and guiding vision of the future

Identify the key values and principles that underpin your aspiration

Self-reflect and collect input from others to define your development objective(s)

Challenge blocking assumptions and articulate driving assumptions

Define concrete new behaviors to embed them in your daily work

Track progress and ensure follow-through to make change sustainable

Celebrate success and define a new development objective

Define an inspirational and guiding vision of the future

For teams – Having an achievable dream to pursue gives the clear direction necessary to start the development journey. It is important that all team members have a shared sense of purpose to provide cohesion and meaning to the collective work.

For individuals – A personal vision provides a compass to navigate you through your individual development journey. It is a motivating force that pulls you towards your personal and professional goals.

Identify the key values and principles that underpin your aspiration

For teams – Mapping out key values helps to provide further guidance for collective behavior. Think of it as a team contract that defines the rules of engagement for working together effectively.

For individuals – As with teams, individuals can benefit from reflecting on their most important values and principles. These serve as points of reference for developing mindset, behaviors and decision making.

Self-reflect and collect input from others to define your development objective(s)

For teams – The ability to continuously adapt to a changing context is at the core of team performance. Ongoing reflection and feedback provide the necessary data points for understanding where the team stands and which concrete development objectives it wants to prioritize.

For individuals – Personal reflection and feedback will help each team member better understand which role they are playing in some of the dynamics within the team, both helpful and not so helpful. This information is key when defining a personal development objective that contributes positively to the team’s performance.

Challenge blocking assumptions and articulate driving assumptions

For teams – Teams often have difficulty following through on genuine intentions because they tend to jump straight into action planning once the development objective is set. In many cases, they then remain stuck in certain behaviors. Grow uses the powerful Drivers & Blockers Methodology developed by INSEAD Professors to uncover and challenge unconscious blocking assumptions and to unlock the positive energy that mobilizes teams to pursue the intended change.

For individuals – Personal change is not easy. One of the common pitfalls is drafting a personal action plan without exploring some of the deeper reasons for some of the behavioral patterns we want to change. The Drivers & Blockers methodology developed by INSEAD Professors will help you take a deep dive to identify, challenge and reframe some of your blocking assumptions. It also builds on your personal drivers to generate positive momentum towards change.

Define concrete new behaviors to embed them in your daily work

For teams – While reflection is important in team leadership development, it is not enough. Changing behaviors in a sustainable way requires practice, practice, and practice. Grow allows the team to draft concrete action plans that include the specific new behaviors you want to adopt. The digital format reflects the dynamic nature of an action plan, so you can update as the team moves along on its journey.

For individuals – Now it is time to step out of your personal comfort zone and practice concrete new behaviors and activities in your daily work. Grow helps you to articulate a realistic and actionable plan. We also recommend that you share your action plan with your team members so they can support and challenge you as you move towards your personal objective. Over time, the new behaviors will feel less like conscious practice and more like a new adopted habit.

Track progress and ensure follow-through to make change sustainable

For teams – Team development is more of a marathon than a sprint. Sustainable change only happens when the team follows through with excitement and discipline. With Grow you can monitor progress by collecting input from all team members on your team development objective. The data you generate via Grow will help you maintain momentum through positive reinforcement, constructive feedback and holding each other accountable.

For individuals – Despite clear intentions, genuine commitments and enthusiasm, the momentum towards personal change often peters out after the initial spark. Self-reflection and progress feedback from your team via Grow will help you stay the course. The information will let you assess where you stand in your development and adapt your action plan accordingly.

Celebrate success and define a new development objective

For teams – After having reached your team’s development objective, it is time to celebrate success. You can be proud of your achievement. However, high-performing teams embrace the idea of leadership development as a life-long journey and set new objectives in the spirit of continuous improvement and growth.

For individuals – Your commitment to continuous reflection and practice has paid off and you have reached your individual development objective. It is an achievement that deserves acknowledgement. At the same time, the development journey can continue when you set a new objective to further your personal growth.