Problems Logging In

My email address and password are not working

If you encounter the message “Invalid email address or password” when logging in, you probably entered an incorrect email address or password. You can reset your password here by entering your email address. We will send you an instruction email on how to reset your password.

If you receive the message “Email not found”, your email address does not exist in our system. You can submit a request here and we will check if you already have an account.

I forgot my password

If you can't remember your password, please follow the steps below.

  1. Enter your email address on this page. (It needs to be the email address that was used to register your account in our system)
  2. Click Reset Password. We will send you an instruction email on how to reset your password.
  3. Click Change my password from the instruction email
  4. Enter your new password and confirm your password
  5. Click Change My Password


  • If you don't receive the instruction email in your inbox, it may be in your spam or junk folder.
  • If you encounter the message "Reset password token is invalid", you may have changed your password already from your current instruction email. Try repeating the steps above to generate a new instruction email.