Follow these 5 steps to translate your feedback into action
Once you have received your feedback, the real work begins. The following 5 steps will help you create a personal development plan, stick to it, and ultimately achieve your goals.

Step 1 - Start with the big picture
Feedback is valuable because it can help you achieve your long-term development goals. Take time to reflect on your personal vision: What would you like to achieve over the next few years? What are the values that drive you? Who do you want to become? Then think about what the feedback is telling you about your progress.

Step 2 - Identify your development objectives
To fulfill your personal vision, you must take actionable steps. Establish development objectives that you want to accomplish over the coming months and commit to them. Be selective and focused. It is better to pursue one goal effectively than to struggle with many.

Step 3 - Create a development plan
Reaching your development objectives requires practice. Think of situations in which you can experiment with new behavior you want to achieve. What will you do differently in those situations? How will you measure if your new behavior was successful? Establish when you will pursue each experiment and write down all the details, including steps with achievable timelines.

Step 4 - Execute your plan
When your plan is ready, you can begin testing new ways of being and behaving. Start by experimenting in situations that are less risky. Some quick wins will encourage your progress. After an experiment, take time to analyze it: What happened? How did you feel? What were the results? You should also set aside time regularly to reflect on what you are learning and how you should proceed.

Step 5 - Engage your support base
Throughout the development process you should involve others. Let colleagues and friends know what your development objectives are and ask them to give you ongoing feedback. By encouraging and challenging you, they will motivate you and keep you focused. Consider also working with a competent coach who can accompany you on your development journey.